Truth for Troubled Times

Truth for Troubled Times

Few people will disagree that the state of our world is not as it ought to be. All around us we witness hostility between people and nations and see Christian values sidelined by pluralism and the dogma of political correctness.

Is it possible to be a voice for truth in times such as these?

Providentially, God’s Word shows us the way. The prophet Jeremiah lived in a dark and troubled time and was called by God to be an alternative voice to his culture. It was a time when the Israelites had turned away from God and embraced rituals, gods, and beliefs that were shocking, even by today’s standards. And yet, as horrible as it was, God wanted His people back, and Jeremiah had a role to play in making that happen.

As Stuart Briscoe explains in this 5-message series, God has and always will seek His people to execute his plans for the world. He works through His Church to make that happen—and in today’s troubled times, He could soon be calling on you.

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          Telling the Truth

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          Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005