The Messages of Haggai
In 529 B.C., a prophet named Haggai appeared on the scene in Jerusalem. The city was in ruins at the time. About 18 years earlier, 50,000 people had returned to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity with the express purpose of rebuilding the Temple. But nothing had been done. The people had neglected the work of the Lord and concentrated on their own affairs.
Haggai delivered four prophetic messages to the despondent, dispirited, and distracted people. What he had to say refocused their minds, completely changed their hearts, and began to transform the face of the city.
In this 4-message series, Stuart Briscoe examines the challenge, rebuke, instruction, and encouragement contained in the messages of Haggai are timeless in their application. What the Lord told His ancient people through the prophet He still proclaims today. In Haggai's day the people listened and responded positively. Will you?
Available on CD