The Best of 2017
Our world went through a succession of violent storms in 2017—contentious political events, devastating natural disasters, and senseless loss of life. And while God’s people may have felt a bit shaken with the enemy’s short-term victories and temporary advances in the world, the trials sharpened our focus all the more on the hope of Jesus and the cross.
The six most listened to messages of 2017 share a common theme that often surfaces when our world is hit with challenging circumstances—our need to trust God. To trust that He’s working behind the scenes according to His eternal plan. To trust that He can lead us to an unexplainable place of peace. And to trust that He’s always with us as we step forward in faith.
Our world needs Jesus. We’re thankful that God works through Telling the Truth to make Him known, and to encourage His people in times of uncertainty. And we’re thankful for our friends whose support makes that possible.
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