Getting Ready for Christmas
So many of the commercials at Christmas tell you how happy and fulfilled you would be if you only had __________. For you, that blank might be a newer car, a piece of jewelry, or designer clothing. Marketers understand the appeal of living life to the fullest, of having it all, and they use that to sell more and more stuff that never delivers on its promise to satisfy.
Do you even remember the gifts you received last year? Do they still thrill you as they did on Christmas morning, or has their shiny newness worn off?
Jesus wants you to have an everlasting abundant life, and He has already told you exactly where to find it in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” But that’s not the only reason He came.
In this 6-message series by Stuart Briscoe, he takes a fresh look at the Christmas story and goes beyond the events of Jesus' birth to dig deeper into why He came.
Available on CD