Addressing the Issues

Addressing the Issues

Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them. –Henry Ford

Few people enjoy confrontation or conflict. It’s so much easier to let things slide and grumble about them to someone else than actually deal with our issues. However, sweeping problems under the rug has been the downfall of many corporations, families, marriages, and even churches.

Usually, it's not the differences of opinion themselves that lead to the breakdown of unity... it’s the way they are handled—or not handled—that turn small matters into big problems.

How can we truly address legitimate problems within our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and churches while maintaining unity? How can we know when an issue is merely a difference of opinion or something more serious?

This 9-message series from Stuart Briscoe is an excellent study of how to deal with sticky issues in love, without compromising from your principles and beliefs. Stuart goes in depth to study the letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians to show us how we, too, can address issues so they bring us together instead of tearing us apart.

Available on CD

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