A View from the Porch Swing

A View from the Porch Swing

Sometimes we live in green pastures where everything is lush and peaceful. Other times we’re walking in shadows that are dark and foreboding, and we’re scared. And then there are moments when we are lucky enough to be on the top of the highest hill, and life couldn’t get better.

We would probably choose to spend our life on the hilltop... but that’s not reality.

In this 2-message series, Jill teaches from Psalm 23 and from Matthew 11 to explain that no matter what’s happening in our lives, good or bad, the only way we can find true contentment in every situation is by trusting in the Lord. We’re tempted to run from trouble. We have a hard time slowing down to relax in His pastures. But Jill describes these “rest stops” as important times of growth in which we experience firsthand the love and comfort of Jesus.

Available on CD

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