Take the fight to your spiritual enemy... and win!
You can’t always see it raging around you, but every day you’re locked in a battle that threatens your spiritual, emotional, and relational well-being.
It’s called spiritual warfare, and you can’t afford to sit this fight out.
We want to help you live victoriously in Christ by sending you Stuart and Jill Briscoe’s 5-message series, Fighting Unseen Forces. It’s our thanks for your gift of support today.
Your spiritual enemy will stop at nothing to keep you from experiencing the Life of abundance and impact you’re called to in Christ.
But you can stand strong in Jesus and the power of His Spirit, and Stuart and Jill’s series will show you how—straight from God’s Word.
So please request Fighting Unseen Forces when you give below, and thank you for your kind support to help more people experience Life!
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